
Charlotte sampson

Conference Co-Chair


Charlotte is a fifth year Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science student pursuing Majors in French and Mathematics. From Vancouver, BC, Charlotte believes in expanding one’s horizons and breaking down barriers. She hopes to end the negative stigma that surrounds math and the other STEM disciplines by empowering and educating youth through initiatives such as the Girls STEM Up conference.


Reid sutherland

Conference Co-Chair


Reid is currently in her third year of concurrent Science and Arts degrees in Biology and English. When she is not in the lab or collecting samples in the field, she can be found travelling, playing rugby for UNB where she is a Proctor, listening to music, or checking out Farmer’s Markets in search of kombucha and coffee. Reid cannot wait for everyone at the second Girls STEM Up Conference to have the opportunity to share their experiences and continue the conversation about empowerment.



Logistics Chair


Jackie is a second year graduate student pursuing a Masters Degree in Kinesiology focusing in Ergonomics. Originally from Saint John NB, but living in Fredericton for the past 6 years, Jackie is inspired about challenging societal norms surrounding gender and aims to improve inclusion among those in STEM. In a field dominated by male identifying people she hopes to help create more space where female identifying people can grow and flourish into the leaders we need in STEM today.


Kate gingles

Partnering Universities Delegates Chair


Kate is a fourth year Biology student at UNB, hoping to incorporate her degree into her aspirations of becoming an astronaut. She hopes through the conference that delegates will continue to gain confidence in their abilities and to demand equality and respect in the work place/academic environment. When not in the science library, you can find her cooking, running, or sleeping.


téa fazio

UNB Delegates Chair


Téa is a fourth-year student pursuing Majors in Mathematics and Computer Science and a Minor in Earth Sciences. She is passionate about fostering relationships between females in STEM fields to empower and support each other throughout their journeys in education and beyond. Téa loves to try new things and thinks that gender should never be a boundary to the joy of learning or an individual’s success. When not running to class, she can be found reading at local coffee shops.


fareeha quayyum

Graphic Design Chair


Fareeha is in her second year of a Biology major at UNB with a minor in Psychology. She is an advocate for empowering women in STEM to explore and pursue their interests, as well as fostering inclusive and supportive learning environments for individuals of all backgrounds. In her free time, Fareeha can be found in UNB’s science concourse, working on freelance graphic design, or looking at cute chinchilla videos.


sweta jayachandran

Marketing Chair


Sweta is in her fourth year of a Bachelor of Science degree with an Honours in Biology. She is passionate about motivating and advocating for young girls and women is STEM fields! She is thrilled to be able to continue these important conversations in GSU 2.0 and beyond. When she is not in the lab, she can be found binging from the “Recently Added” section on Netflix while snacking on croissants.


brooke brown

Speakers Chair


Brooke is a third year Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology student from Tatamagouche, NS. She has a passion for promoting and implementing inclusive environments and supporting academic wellness of others – two reasons why she is so excited to be a part of Girls Stem Up. Brooke is thrilled to be a part of an initiative that empowers women and girls to be bold in their pursuit of a future in STEM.


louise pickard

Speakers Chair


Louise is from Western New Brunswick and is in her final year of mechanical engineering. After seeing the delegates, speakers, and sponsors of the Girls STEM Up conference last year, she is hopeful for the future of diversity in STEM in Atlantic Canada. When not working on her senior design project or studying thermodynamics, Louise can be found cross stitching or dragging her friends to wholesome activities.


alisha lapointe

Sponsorship Chair


Alisha is in her final year of a Bachelor of Science degree with Honours in Biology. She is excited to be a part of a conference that promotes two values she is passionate about: equality and inclusivity. In her spare time, Alisha can be found in the UNB Greenhouse or seeking out the best sushi spot in town.


morgan blake

Sponsorship Chair


Morgan is in her third year of Mechanical Engineering at UNB with a concentration in Mechatronics and a Minor in Mathematics. When she’s not at the library, you can find her running around the city, scoping out some of NB’s hiking adventures or enjoying a bowl of ice cream. Morgan is excited to be a part of an initiative that promotes empowerment of women and bridges the gap between diversity and opportunity in STEM.


Shanece wilson

Sponsorship Chair


Shanece is in her fifth and final year of Electrical Engineering and is also pursuing a minor in math and a TME diploma. She is very passionate about the environment and sustainability. Her drive to make engineering an inclusive space led her to become the President of EUS. In her spare time, you can find Shanece among her many plants or studying in the SUB.


sarah kelly

High School Delegates Chair


Sarah is a second year Science student studying Math with a Chemistry minor. She is incredibly passionate about inspiring people of all ages to believe in themselves while being creative with the exciting learning opportunities that exist around them - one of the many reasons why she is beyond excited to be part of the Girls STEM Up Conference this year! In her free time, Sarah loves to swim, meet new people, and spread lots of positive energy!


emma toole

High School Delegates Chair


Emma is currently in her second year of a Bachelor of Science degree at UNB. She is passionate about working with youth. She is excited to collaborate and learn with delegates from the Girls STEM UP conference on how to educate and empower youth in the STEM disciplines.